The Athlete for 1869
PUBLIC SCHOOLS.] T.IIE ATIILETE. 135 FINAL IIEAT. ::\Iackie Wyatt Wood . Kelly . Won by a foot. Wood fell. 20 sec. High Jump- 1 2 3 0 Time, Walking Race, One Mile– r. II. Carpenter • G. P. Wyatt ... . I • 2 IYon very ea~ily ; time, min. 4.2 Si'C. Strangers' Race, 440 yarcls– H. J. Chinnery (L. A. C.) . A. Harding . . . . • . Won easily ; time, 54:~ sec. 1 2 c. A. Wood (4 ft.Gin.) 1 F. S. Pillear (4: ft. 4 in.) . . • 2 __ _ _ Tlll'owing the Cricket Ball- Westminster School. W. C. Mackie (87 yJ.s. 1 ft. October 21st ancl 22nd. 5 in.) . . . . . . . . . 1 c. II. Mackie (85 yds. 2 ft.) • 2 Race, One 1\Iile- Challenge Cup, One :M:ile- . B. Kelly . . . . . . . l , ,T. C. Lawrence . . . . . . 2 G. G. Ilarri:3 . . . . .. . . 3 "'on by 4. yds.; time, 5 min. 18 . ec. I (For the Cliall,,nge Cup.) Edclis . . . . . . 1 W. Dyce . . . . . 2 Basham . . . . . . 3 Dixon . . . , . . 4: 24 ran. Won by G yds. The re t scattered. Time, 5 min. 1 sec. Long Jump- c. A. Wood (15 ft.) ·Flat Race, 440 yards- 1 Throwing at a Wicket ( 40 yard)- liEAT 1. C. B. Hunter . . . . A. E. Ilume ..... Won by 3 yds. ; time, 64:! ec. HEAT 2. J. Gairdner . . . . . .(LG. Harris . . . • . Won by a foot; time, 65 sec. FL AL HEAT. IIunter 1 Gairdncr ~ lhrris . 3 Hume . . 4 iVon easily; time, G2 ec. Throwing the Cricket Ball - (Under 15.) 1 2 W. B. Bishop (GS yds. 2 ft.) • 1 (Untla 15.) Davis . . . t 1 cott mith . . . .. . t 2 Throwing at a Wicket (50 yards)- (Open.) Dixon . . ... 1 Long Jump- (Vnder 15.) Worsley (13 ft. 2} in.) . . . 1 Long Jump- (Ope,z.) E. A. Northcote (lG ft. 7 in.) W. Dyce (1!1 ft. 3 in.) Basham (15 ft. 2 in.) 1 2 3
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