The Athlete for 1869

AM.A TEUR A. C. -j THE ATHLETE. 3 High Jump- Chinnery ( A. A. 0.) heat E. C. treat– fi.eld (Peml.Jrol.e Coll., OcjordJ. R. J. C. 'l\fitchcll (lllancltesier A. 0.), 5 ft. G in. 1 n. C. Guy Pym ( Ghil Seri-ice), 5 ft. 4 in. . . . . ,T. Gurney Hoare ( Cam. U11iv.) I( ,r. Parsons (O:rjord Unic.) II. J. Chinnery beat '\V. L. Boreham. 2 Chinnery won very ea ily. proving far O more than a. match for both of his O antagonists. Four l\Iile Race- W. M. Chinnery (L. .A. C.) . . 1 ,Joseph Snow (Jiancliester A. C.) 2 W. Gilmour (L. A. 0.) . . . 0 Sydenham Dixon (Ch:ilService) 0 ··won wiih absunl case by 300 yds. Timc- Fir t mile. Second mile Third mib Fourth mile 5 min. 0 sec. 10 min. 25 sec. 1,3 min. ;35 1oec. 21 min. 12 sec. Amateur Athletic Club. CIIAMPIO:N' noxr .. ;G. (For the Ma,-quis of Queensberry's Cups.) April 2nd. The holclers of these trophies were : Heavy ·weights. C. J. Holliday. l\Ii<lclle Weights. H.J. Chinnery. Light Weight::; . TI. L.Clcminson. Of these only Chinnery contcrnlctl a 0 .. 1in, winning the 1\fohlle Weight 'up for the ccond time. 'l'he condition. were, Heavy "~eight over 1bt. 4lb.; :\liddle Weights under l lst. 4lb.: Light Weight · und r 9::;t. 4lb. 'l'hree rounds of 5, 4, nrnl 5 minutes re poctivcly ; one minute betw en each round. The winnel' to r ccivo n. haml::;ome sih,er medal a.ud to hold the Challcuge Cup for the yca.r. HEAVY ,vmGIITS. T. :i\Iilvain beat 'l'. Daring. Daring had the b t of the fiF::;t round, but 011 coming to clo ·er quarters in the two nc.-t, :i.\lilrnin won ea ily. l\ItPDLE ,YmGIITS. I. W. L. n rehnm ( Ghrist' s Coll., Camb.) beat J. Iluslitun (Lirer 10ul); II. J. '!'here "·a' no challenger for the Light Weight Cup. Amateur Athletic Club. ~l'l~IXG DILLL\RD HA••DIC.\P. Begun on 1\Inrch 80. Each game 200 up. Fms:r Tn:s. T. P. ,vick'1am beat T. F. Bumi. ('iO) by 51 (owe 20) E.Watts-ltusscll (m.),, W. Collett (100) by 16 )1. E. Jo\Jllug (luO) ,, W. G. '\\'illfams (10) by 35 .T. G. Chnmhcr,- (33) ,, l'ercy Brown (50) by 30 R. Entwi:l · (,er.) ,. E. Fox (65) l•y l 0. 0. Tannf>r (3J) .. '\V.l'ilkingt-On('i5)hy'i6 W.F. Gumhicr (owe 20) C. A. Whyte (70) (.er.) w. o. G. 13rni.thwaitc (15) ,, W.D.Woodgatc (G5)by 1 SE mm Trns. U. Ent.wi le (scr.) beat E. Watts-Ru ell (,er.) hy 40 T. P. Wickham ,, J. U. Chamber:, (30) by (owe '.?O) 11 G. Braithwaite (l;,) ,. :\I. E. .Jobling (100) by 8 W. F. Gambier ,. 0. O. Tanner (30) by 3 (owc2U) T. P. Wickham (owe 2 ) H.. Eutwi le (~er.) Tmno Trre. beat G. Braithwaite (15) by 4.0 ,, W. F. Gambier (owe 20) by 4S Frx..1.L Tm. R. Entwisle (scr.) beat T. P.Wickbam(owe20) l>y 67 AUTU:IIX BILLIARD H,\NDICAP. NU1;emba 23rd. The Amateur Athletic lub began the fir -t of their winter han<lieaps on l\Iondny, ~ ov. 23n1, and after more than a week's play the winner turned np somewhat unoxpectecll yin A. D. Clarke, who playecl well throughout, never losing a. chance. 'l'here were . ome very elo:-c games, notably two of the Hon. W.Bcthell's, whoatonetime looked B 2