The Athlete for 1869
BREECH-LOA (SECO.ND-IIAXD) t E. WHISTLER'S, 11, Strand, E. WnrsTLER, in addition to the abo 1 ;-e, has an immense Stock of 1.;econ SILVER CUPS, MUGS, & TANK~RDS, SUIT.\DLE FOR PRESENTATION, RACING, counsnm, AJ.TD VOLUNTEER PRIZE ' From £5 to £100. Electro-plated Cups and Mugs, of the best desm1ption, from 20s. each. E. W. begs to call the attention of Sportsmen to his large a rl well-. elcctc,l 'tock of the abm·e, comprising CE.TTt.AL-FmE, Lv.FAUCIIEUX, DounLE lrt:t>, .·~AP ACTION', and all the latest improvements, at prices to suit the many. ~\ Gooll, Sound, Serviceable Breech-Loader, Pin Cartridge Central-Fire Breech-Loader, Damascus Barrels (C..l1ootin 6 warranted) -"10 10 0 13 ·O O HE SOR G PUBLISIIED EVEHY w·EDNESDAY & SATURDAY, Contains tbe best Reports of RACI.LTG. TRAINL.TG. STEEPLE CII.ASI TG. COURSING. A 'l'IILETIC. . HlCKET. YACil'l'LTG. HO\Vl TG. S'\VIJ\IMJNG. I IIOO'l'LTG. n::1m TilIA.i. T' PUGILIS111. And all 11isce1lnncous Sports and Pastimes. ' The R .. \CI.1?G PROPIIECIES nre well written, nn,1 hrwc the great merit of bcin::r 11enrly always uccc~sfnl. LargestCirculation of any Sportir ON .
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