The Athlete for 1869
..A.LDERSITOT.] THE ATHLETE. 5 Hurdle Race, 200 yarcls, over 10 flights- (For 0.ffecer .) Sack Race, 200 yard - Private IIio-gin · (57th Rcgt.) Private ::.\Ianscy (2nd Ba'tt. lh 1 Regt.) ........ 2 I'rirntc Phelan ( 4:0th Regt.) 3 Capt. the Hon. II. Needham (lst Batt. Gren. Gel·.) . . . 1 Lieut. l\Iure (B4th Regt.) . . En:ign White (5Lt K O.L.I.) . 2 3 Wheelbarrow Race (blinclfolcl)- Flat Hn.ce, 81 . 0 yarcls- Williams (2nc7 Batt. 5th Regt.). 1 Waring (Dith llf.!7t.) . . . . 2 I?or<l (34th Regt.) . . . . . 3 (For Infantry only.) I'rivate ::\fatchett (2n(Z Batt. th Rt(fl·; . . . . . . . Pr~vate ~Iooney (-tOlh Beat.) l'nvate Joyce (9 lh Regt.) . 1 Three-legged Race, 100 yarcls– : ~clson ancl Taylor (40th Regt..) 1 '\Von by 5 ycl. Flat Race, 8c O yards- ( For lllowzted Men only.) Bucket Race, 50 yards– Brookcr ( th Regt.) . . Cunningham·(10th Regt.) 1 12 Entries. Trooper Hinton (lst L{fe Gds.) , apper l\far ·hant (]?.E.T.) . . Happer Davis (R.JiJ. T.) . . . 1 Consolation Race, 300 yard - 2 Tudor (2nrl Batt. 5th Rcgt.). I A good race ; won by a yard. 3 Dutton (lOth ll11~scw) . . . 2 Blake (2m7 Batt. 6th Regt. ) . . 3 Flat Race, Half a J\Iile– For 0.0lrers.) 7 Entrie•. :Ensign Garnett (5ith Regl.) . 1 Ensign Brougham (!Oth Reul.) 2 Lieut. Turnbull (5htLiglttlnf.) 3 This race wns th be t contestc<l event of the cfay, the pnce being tro– mcndou ._ Mr. U:nnclt won very cle,erly by 3 yd::;. Veterans' Race, 200 yards- ( Open to men of ovci· 15 yeal'.s' c·crl'fre.) ~er~. Laffon (54th Hegt.) . 1 orp. R-latcr (lOth Jiu.~ ars). 2 l'rivate Higgins (57th llegt.) . 3 Won by a qtrnrter of a. yard. Flat Race, One l\Iile– ( Open to all.) I'rivatc i\Iatchctt (21ul Batt. Sth lll'[ff.) . . . . . . . . 1 l'riv,ttc l\fooney (10th Rcgl.) , 2 Prinitc Joyce (fl 'th Reyt.) . . 3 Won ca:sily by 10 ytl.s.; time, 5 mill. 20 :,,CC. Champion Race, 500 yards– (For Winners of First Prizes only.) l\Iatchett (211<l Batt. th Begt.) 1 En:sigu Garnett (57th Ilegt.) . 2 Won by 8 y<ls. Long Jump, with run- Privatc Dooley (2ncl Batt. th Regt.), 17ft.10in.. . . I Private Powell (9, th Rcgf.) . 2 1>rintte Dalton (9 th Rcgt.) 3 High Jump, with run- Private tanlcy(JI.T-.),4ft.10in. l Private Brown (2rul Batt. 5th Reut.) ........ 2 Private Higgins (57th Regt.) . 3 Putting the Shot (24 lb.) with a follow– PrivateLnrkin(9 thRcgt.),34:ft. in. . . . . . . . . . 1 orporal l\Iinoguc (2n(l Batt. lh Rcgt.) :H, ft. ·1 in. . . . 2 Corporul Warwick (5lst Regt.) . 3
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