The Athlete for 1869

Th PATRONISED BY Cha:iu..pion, JOI-IN ROBERTS, nch Chan:i.pion., JU:ONS~ BERGER., J. A. BOWLE , hip Street, Brighton. HUGHE , .1. ell Gwynne Rooms, Strand. J. ROI3ER'l'S, Son of the Uhampion, Newcastle-on-Tyne. ,J. BENNETT, Grainger Stroot, Newcastle-on-Tyne. \ T. COOK, l3ayswater. By the ...Tobility and Gentry; an<l. also by the following Clubs at home and abroad. Albion Club, Ila sgate. I M.essrs. Gordon and Davis, Billiard The llfarine Club, Jersey. JHvedere Club, Belvedere. Saloons, City. The New University Club. Bibbop Auck nd Club. ?.Ir. De Neuyer. 315, Oxford treet. The Unlver·ity Club. Brown's Royo.l ll 11,lJunlop Street, J'I: ew Carlton, Wa1erloo Place, '\V. The United ervicc Club, Calcutta. Glasgow. I :Nicol's Grand Ilillia1d Saloon, 68, Union Club, Belfast. Uurli gton Club. Regent 'treet. Union Club, Bury. Ci.ty f Loudon Club. Oxford and Cambridg(', C,undcn I Union Club, GmYesend. CiYil ervic Club, 't. James's St. Town. Union Club, ...Tewcastle-on-Tyn~. Civil ervi C b, Cape Town. l\,Jh,1m Club. Union Club, Brighton. c.,v tl'sUoivcrsityRooms,Strand Pembridge Club, '\Vestbourue Gr. I Union Clnb, l\lauchester. Clarendon Cl 1b, Ryde. Phrenix Club. Victoria Club, Leeds. Commerci 1 Club, North Shield,. Portland Club, Oxford Strrct. Victoria Club, Torquay. Commerci 1Club, St.Jolm's, :New- Royal nwncs Yacht Club. Wakefield Club, Wakefield. fouodland. Royal Victori,i Yucht Club, Ryde. Westerham Club. Cotswold Club, Cbcltenbnm. Royal E11gineer ·, Chatham. Western Club, Glasgow. Devon and b eter Club. Royal .Marines, l:'lymoutb. '\Vcst.ern Clnb of lndia, Poona. Devonshire Cl ',, Hay,,watrr. Royal .Artillery and Royal En- W. Cook's llooms, Hereford Ho~uJ, Egerton Club,'>. Jamcs's Str"d. gineer , Montreal Day.;wnter. Elpbic 'e Billianl Saloon, Gilsgow. Royal Eugincers, 't. John 'E, Xew- W. Don.1ld, St. J ames's Ilull, Plcca- E. Dalby, 230, (. ford Stree:t. foundlan<l. dilly. Garrick Club. Royal Billiard Saloon,Prior Comt, Wyndham Club. Grant' ·ortbumberland RoJm., ~heffield. 2nd Qneen's Hoyals. •·e, castle-on-Tyne. Royal Cambridge !foll. 8lh King's llegiment. Kiddrm1i:, r lub. Hoyal Holf Cl11h, B1uckhrnth. Otb Regimrnt. King ton BI linrd Rooms, Bath. I Royal Tuval Club, Portsmouth. lOth Regiment :Native Infantry, Knar boro gh Club. S,·ots Fu,illcr Guard~. Canada. India. , Iaryl bon It, titutc. Sili~'s Corporation Billiard lfoll, 40th Regim('nt. Masotiic Un on. lllauc\Je~tcr. 'iuth R<:i;lJncuL. Maker of Lamps, Gas-fittings, Seating, etc., for Billiard Rooms. T B ES MADE EXPRESSLY FOR !NOIA AND WARM CLIMATES,