The Athlete for 1869

C,nrnRIDGE U:-;-rv.J TIIE ATIILETE. 17 Won very ea ily by 10 yds.; 2 ft. between second and thinl. Time, 71! sec. Putting the Weight (16 lb.)– R. Waltham (Peterhouse), 3G ft. 1 C. A . .Ab ·olom (Trinity), 33 ft. Gin. . . . . . . . H. 1. Hodges (John\' ) H. l\Iitchcll (Emmanuel) . Pole Jump- 2 0 0 E. Gurney (Trinity), 0 ft. 1 in. 1 ~\...II.Hamilton (Christ's), 8 ft. 10 in. . . ... J. II. Howard ( Corpus) W. l!'. Curtci:; (Jcsn,q) . Quarter of a l\Iile Racc- HEAT 1. 2 0 • 0 coming up with his grand tritle, uml pas 'ing Lambert only in the last 10 yds. Won by 2 ytl ·. ; the same di ·tancc be– tween second. and third ; time, 51l sec. One l\Iile Race- w. C. Gibb (.Jeszrn) 1 E. Roy(!· (Trilz. liall) . 2 H. Gurney (Clare) . . 3 E. B. Hutchins (John's) . • 0 \V. ,T. Batchelor Emmanuel) 0 A. E. R. )<l 'John's) 0 This wa a, certainty for ibbs, and it was a great tr 'a.t to ·ee the ·ty le in which it ,va ·won; he ran it a he liked, a.nd won by 2i'l ytl ,. ; time, 4 min. 33.l sec. We may here refer the reader to the account of the Intcr-Univcn;ity ,.port:i in another part of thi · book, where l\Ir. Gibbs won the mile in exactly 4 min. 2 sec., the fastc:.t time ever done by an amatcm. ,T. H. Ridley (Jc us) . A. \V. Lambert (John's) l\I. Templeton (Trinity) T. A. Pearson ( Trinity) 1 2 Weilne ·rlay, March lSth. 3 Seven 1\Iiles Walking Race- o J. ollin (Emmanuel) . . 1 G. E. Dnrroek (Tl'inity) . . . 2 J. Holln.n<l.::l (Trinity) . . . . 0 W. B. Ioncy ('1.'ri1tity) • . . 0 Won by 4 yds. ; time, 52} sec. IIEA'r 2. C. C. Corfo (Jesus) . . A. K. ]?inlay (Trinity) 1 Collin, after the first two miles, went ~ right aw:iy, and won as he liked. B. A. Hoare (Trinity ) . T. Bainbritlge (Juhn's) 0 'l'DIE- Corfe waited on his men, running in he:rntiful tyl , aml eventually cumc out ~tntl won easily hy 5 yu ·. in 5~! sec. FLTAL HEAT. J. II. Ridley . A. W. Lambert C. 0. Oorfo . l\I. Tomplctou A. K. Finlay . E. A. Hoare. 1 2 3 0 0 0 This wn · u wonderful race. Lambert, Templeton, nnu Finlay took the lead, arnl mudo the pace very hot, Uol'f'e lying last. Ou nearing tbe straight run in, the lot Wt·re widely. prcall, Lambert leading Corfc by 5 yd ·., auu Ritliey f> yds. bchincl him. In the straight there was a magnificent struggle, Ridley Fir.sf. mile. Second mile Thinl mile. Ji'ourth mile :Fifth rnilc. i.·th milu Sc\·cnth mile . min. 17 sec. 17 min. 10 sec. 2,> min. 17 s c. 3.J: min. 4:2 ..:cc. 43 min. i-1 sec. 51 min. 57 sec. GO min. 2G sec. Throwing the Hammer:_ II. L el'ke ( Trhlily , 0-1 ft. 7 in. 1 1\;t1.ltliam ( Peterhouse,, SO ft. !.\- 111. • • • • • • • 2 J. Eyre I Cla,·e), 0 ft. Gin.. Q.•. Absolom ('1.'riuify) . Broad Jump- ,) 0 R. Waltham (I'eferhouse), 20 ft. n in. · ..... 1 C. ..:\. .Ab·oioIU (Trinity), 20 ft. 2 in. . . . . . . . . . 2 c