The Athlete for 1869

18 TIIE ATIILETE. [Cx:urmrncE U.·rv. 0. 0. Oorfo (Je.~u.q , 18 ft. 2 in. 3 n. ]?itzherbcrt (John's) 0 l\I. Templeton (Trinity) 0 L. Norris (John's) . . 0 Hurdle Race, 120 yards (over 10 flights)- HEAT 1. Thursday, ]larch 18th. High Jump- o. E. Green } ( 5 ft. 8 _ 1 in.) . 1 Gurney Hoare 2 \Y. P. 0Ul'teis (5 ft. 4} in.) . . 2 This was n. wonc1crful performance, seeing that the ground was soft ancl. slippery, the jumpers slipping right undcl' the bar as often as going over it. C. Pitt Taylor (Trinity) . H. l\I. Thompson (Trinity) E. E. Toller ( Trinity) . A. II. Hamilton (Christ's) 1 Half Mile Race- 2 0 0 Thompson led at first, but striking a hurdle, Pitt Taylor came up, and after a Ycry close raco won by half n. yard ; time, 171 sec. HEAT 2. A. W. Lambert (,John's) 1 W. W. Cooper (John's) . 2 C. A. Absolom (Trinity). 0 J. T. Lingcn (l'embrohe) 0 A very good mce ; won by a ; time, 17~ sec. lIEA.T 3. U. Fitzherbert (John's) 1 J. H. Howanl (Corpus 1 2 M. J. Kendle (Caius). 0 Won easily l>y G ycls.; time, 18 sec. FI~ .AL IIEAT. C. Pitt Taylor . .t 1 R. Fitzherbert . :t 2 H. M. Thompson 3 A. W. Lambert O W.W. Cooper . 0 J. H. Howard O An excellent race, Thompson getting off best. At half way the tllreo placed wero level : Pitt Tuylor got over ]1is ln!-t hurdle slightly in advance, but Fitzhcrb •rt by a fine rush made it a <lead heat; time, 17~ sec. In running off the dead hent Pitt Taylor led throughout, and won by a yard :md a half; time, 18 sec. '!'he gr.1ss, when the e heats were run, was Yery heavy and slippery, after a great storm of min. A. W. Lambert (.Tohn's') 1 E. B. Hutchins (John's) . . . 2 W. .A. Ilonwlnile ( 'l.'rin. Hall ) . 0 C. Colbeck (Trinity) . . . • 0 Won easily by 8 ycls.; time, 2 min. 1i sec. Flat Race, Three l\Iiles- E. Royrls ( Trin. H crll) I A. B. R. l\Iicklefield (Jolui's) 2 G. G. Kennedy (Trinity) 3 T. T. Paine (Trinity). 4 J. Collins ( Chri.~t'.~) . 0 H. P. Gumey ( (Jl1cre) . 0 G. F . Gordon ('Prinity) 0 G. Forbes (Christ's) . 0 T. Bainbridge (.John's) . 0 L. P. l\Iuirhcn<l (Sidney) 0 0. Orawl<•y ('1.'ri11if?J) . . 0 L. R. Whigbnm (1-'rinity) 0 The lot ran well togeth(;l' for two miles and a l1alf at a slow pace, Royds lying seeoncl. aucl l\Iiekl3fiekl thir<l ; the::; two becoming first aucl .·cconcl in the last lap but one. Kennedy tri cl to get up in the last lap, but could only get third place, the three finishing in this order about 8 yds. apart; time, 15 min. 55 sec. Tnm OF :i.\I1LE - Fir t milo. . 5 min. 17 sec. Secon<l mile . 10 min. 45 sec. Third mile . 15 min. 55 sec. Cambridge University Handicaps. February 25ih. Handicap, 120 yards– HEAT 1. E. J. Dickson (Trinity), 8 y<ls.. 1