The Athlete for 1869
COMPETITION RULES OF THE .A.:MATEUR .A.TI LETIC CLUB. 1. No attendant to accompany a competitor on the scratch, or in the Race. . 2. Any competitor tarting before tho word, to bo put back one yard, at the cliscretion of the starter; on a repetition of the offence to be di qualified. 3. All Level Races to start by word of mouth, Handicaps by l)istol. 4. In Hurulo Races, each competitor to keep his own Hurulcs throughout the Race. 5. In Sprint Racing, each runner to keep his own side of the comse. 6. Jo tling or nmning acrof-s, or wilfully obstructing another, so ns to impede his progres , to disqualify the offender from any further competitions held by the Club. 7. All ea cs of dispute to be referred to tho Committee of l\I111rnge– ment at the time. 8. The decision of the Judges in all competitions to be final. 9. In Pole Lc11ping and High Jumping, three tries at each height nllowed. Tho height to which the bar is raised to be determined by the majority of the cornpetitors, 11t each ueccssive elevation; dis– placing the bar only to count ns 11 try. 10. In Broncl Jumping, Putting the Stone, and Throwing the H11mmer, three tries only allowed; the be t three competitors of the first trial to be allowed three more trios each for the final; the farthest tluow, put, or jump, of the six attempts, to win. 11. In Throwing the Ilammor, the length of the run not limited, the throw to be measured from the uearest foot1H'int at the delivery to the pitch of the ball.-[Tho accmacy of the men.smerncnt i facilitated by prinkling ashes, s11wclust, or sand n.t the point of delivery. rrho footprints of the comp titors must bo effaced after each throw.] 12. " No Throws " to count as a try.
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