The Athletes and Athletic Sports of Scotland
Athletes and Athletic Sports of Scotland. —-> INTRODUCTION. LOVE ofathletic featshas distinguished the most famous races ofmen in ancient and modern times. Not only so, but history shows pretty conclusively thathe full tide of the greatness ofthe most famous nations was coincident with a time when all classes werefond of,and took part in,' manly exercises. Amongst the Jews, from the time of Joshua to the death of David, the most heroic period of their history, it is one long record of famous athletes. After the death ofDavid the Jews became wealthy and luxurious, and, as a consequence, effeminate, and soon fell a prey to more manly races. Coming to the Greeks, atthe most brilliant and heroic period of their history, they may be said to have been simply a nation of athletes. How otherwise could handfuls ofmen have kept in check or routed hundreds of thousands ?The Greeks had four great national festivals—the Olympian, Pythian,-Nemean, and Isth mian games. At these games the noblestGreeks contended in the athletic feats, and to be crowned victor was a passport to nobility, perhaps asworthy a sourceof such honour as successful brewing or royal bastardy. The splendiddevelopment of every muscle of the body ; as represented in Grecian statuary, has never been excelled, and remains a, model to this day. Here again the greatness and wealth,that strongmanly racesbrought to Greece, led to luxury and enervation, and national downfall.
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