The Athletes and Athletic Sports of Scotland
HIGH LEAPING. 77 CHAPTER VII. HIGH LEAPING. \T 0 feat in the whole round of athletic sports is capable of affording a finer display of strength, grace, andagility on the part of the athlete, orof creating more enthusiasm among the spectators, than the high leap. So far as we are aware, the Athole gathering is the only Highland gathering in Scotland where the high leap isnot included in the programme, and, as thisis a local and semi-private gathering, it may be said there is norepresentative gathering in Scotland where this feat is not on the programme. In the south of Scotland the standing high leap is often included, which seems quite unnecessary,as it is a wasteof time leapingabout 4 feet 8 or 9 inches, when the same athletes might be clearing 5 feet 8 or 9 inches. In high leaping the object is to clear the greatest height, and there are no res trictions as to style. The athlete who can clear the greatest height is champion high leaper, although there may be a champion high leaper if no run is allowed ;another champion if onlyone leg is to be used ; a third if both legs are tied together, and so on ; but champions who need topreface theirclaims to championship honours with an z/"are hardly deserving of notice. STYLES OF LEAPING.— Thestyle of different athletes differs much in high leaping. Some take theirrun straight forward, at right angles with the bar to be cleared ; others take aside run, almost parallel with the bar; and many take their run at various angles between these. Some, again, rise off the right foot, but most off the left. Side leapers generally goover the bar in the position of one sittingon the ground with the legs stretched out in front, but some have the knees bent up, and heels and buttocks about in a line. Hugh Andrews, Glasgow, one ofthe best side leapers, rising off the left foot, brought the leftleg up sosmartly that he seemed to get a secondary lift. Side leapers haveseldom so graceful a style as those who run straightforward.
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