The Code of Health and Longevity

Q2 APPEND I X . reduced, and becomes limber, and thin and mufctilar; ot only while the fweating procefe continues? Are they fed before they go abroad, or when they return ? What trials are made of their ftrength ? When is a man known to be up to his full ftrength and breath in training ? At what hours do they go to bed? What fleep are they al­ lowed ? What indifpofitions are they fubje£l to during training ? Are there any circumftances by which the procefs may be interrupted; or any circumftances, in confequence of which, it muft fometimes be abandoned ? 8. What is the ftate of the health, after they give up training ? Are they fubjeft to any complaints ; and what are,they ? How long does the acquired excefs of flrength continue? 9. It is moft interefting to learn, on which part of this procefs, the purging, the fweating, the exercife, or the feeding, they moft depend; and whether it procures a permanent increafe of vigour, eafily maintained by fuit- able diet and exercifes, or only a temporary excitement, calculated for the particular occafion ? Alfo, whether per- fons have ever thought of undergoing this procefs, not for the purpofeof running matches, but to recover health j with what fuccefs this has been done, and whether it is to be recommended for gout, corpulency, afthma, nervous diforder, or other maladies, as likely to be of fervice. Thefe are queftions, of the importance of which, thofe who are bell able to anfwer, may not be fully aware. But nothing which fo fuddenly changes the powers, and the very form and character of the body, from grofs to lean, from wcaknefs to vigorous health, from a breathlefs and bloated carcafe, to one a6live and untiring, can ever be unimportant, either to the art of phyfic in general, or to that branchof it, more immediately conne6ted with in­ quiries regarding health aud longevity. The