The Code of Health and Longevity

ON ATHLETIC EXERCISES. ^9 following a regulaf fyftem, and it is probably owing to their greater temperance that women have it fo feldom. Even after having had the gout, by living very plainly and taking regular exercife, the difeafe has been prevent­ ed from recurring ; keeping the llioes eafy is of great ufe where gout attacks the feet. 4. A courfe of training would be an effedual remedy for bilious cbmplaints. 5. Corpulent people, by the fame fyftem, could be brought into a propercondition. 6. It would prevent the rheumatifm, by taking great Care to keep the clothes dry- With regard to the ftorie and gravel, exercife is materially ufeful in thefe com­ plaints, as it makes the uruie pafs off quickly. 7. As to confumption, the frame of fuch perfons is in general too delicate to carry the training to any extent, but being much in the open air is certainly of great fer- vice. 8. Bathing is of great ufe- To prevent colds^bathing the feet in cold water every morning is of great advantage to men. Bathing in fait water three days a-week is falutary, but the Ihorter time a perfon remains in the water the better; Freih water is good, if fait cannot be had. The tepid bath was never tried. 9. Eiedlricity has a greater elFe£l upon mufcular and healthy men than others, and more upon them than even upon children, and gives them a greater ftiock, probably owing to the greater refiftance. Weft of Windfor could have gone over a hundred miles, running it in eighteen hours; and other people, properly trained. Could do the fame, if naturally formed for running. Weft could run forty miles in five hours and a half, which is near eight miles an hour. Mr Foz- g a t zaxd