The Code of Health and Longevity
8 ^ AP P EMD I J t . NUMBER IV. ACoile Elion of Papers, on the fuhjeEi of Athletic K x e r c i f e s ,X f c , I N thecourfe of the inquiries in which I am now en gaged regarding health and longevity, my attention was neceffarily direfted to the succefs with which the human frame was invigorated, by thofe who trained up perfons to athletic exercifes; and alfp to the arts by which various animals were improved in refpefl to ftrength, fpirit, or fpeed. It feemed to me, thereforej, of the utmofl importance to inquire, whether the fame means might not be of fervice, in the prefervation, or the cure of difeafe, in the eftabli/hment of health, and the attainment of longevity. With a view ofafcertaining fuch important particulars, I requefted a gentleman, di- llinguiflied for his talents and Ikill in medicine, to aflift jn drawing up the following queries, and the obfervations prefexed to them and I afterwards made every poflible ex ertion to procure anfwers from perfons the moft likely to furniih ufeful information, I alfo prevailed on a re- fpeftable phyfician, (Dr BUCHAN), to draw up a general view of the fyftem adopted by the ancients for training their athletes. By thefe means, the following colledlion of papers has been accumulated, containing a. variety of particulars, which, 1 truft, will be found of conliderable importance in medicine. Obfervations
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