The Code of Health and Longevity
ON ATHLETIC EXERCISES* 101 Additional Queries fvggejled hy a Friend. •I.Why do you prefer early rifing ? Is not the morning air raw, cold, and moift, often accompanied with thick logs, and confequently unwholefome ? 2. Would not bifcuit do better than bread, as any thing fermented is not reckoned llrengthening ? 3. The ancients thought that water was the beft drink inilead of fermented liquors. Has it ever been tried in any training in England ? 4. What is reckoned the proper quantity of fleep ? 5. What would be the effedl of training perfons who have nervous diforders? 6. Would it have a tendency to prevent palfy aud apo plexy ? 7. The ancients reckoned pork the moft nourifliing diet. Anfwered hy Mr JACKSON, 1. The air is always cooler in the morning, therefore exercifecanbe eafier taken. Men ihouldbe able to bear every kind of weather, only their feet muft be kept dry; they never fit down without changing .theirclothes, whilft they are training, for fear of the rheumatifm. 2. Soft bread, or new bread, is never eaten, being of a fpongy nature, and expanding in the ftomath ; Hale bread is wholefome, but probably bifcuit might be as good. Several people prefer bifcuit. No fait meat is given, nor any thing that can create thirft. The lefs one drinks the better. Drinking certainly encourages foft unhealthy flefh. 3. I have never known a perfon drink water alone du ring training. Malt liquor, goo*d and old, without bottling, S 3 W
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