The Code of Health and Longevity
104 ' APPENDIX. 3. A draflic purgative once during training, and that at the beginning. Judge of the effedlfrom the opera tions preparatory to reduce the plethoric ftaie of the fyflem. Reducing the belly is neceffary to a more free refpiration. 4. Simple animal food, broiledand fleeped in vinegar, ^aten withold white bread as much as they will eat •, no Vegetables, no fat, no ftimulating fpices ; two mealsa day, viz. at eight iu the morning and five in the afternoon ; nothing buthe lean part of legs ofmutton, except for a change, a fowl or rabbit, perhaps once a week, to be eaten with vinegar; no fith; abftinence under the phyfic, of Courfe. 5. Good old ale, with a toaft, three or four pints taken at different times in the courfe of the day. 6. The utility of the fvveating procefs is to remove the (ibefity ; and is produced by running exercife; increafed by feather-beds and warm diluents. Three fweats in two days, well rubbed with flannel, and kept within doorg till cool. Every one knows the fkin to be elaftic. Living ofleous matter is always in a ftate of decompolitipn by ab sorption and depofition. 7. The running exercife three miles twice a day ; in fummer, five o'clock in the morning, and four in the after noon : in winter, in light and dark; to walk a great deal, not loaded with clothes; fed when they return from run ning exercife. Two trials during training, when they can run the fartheft in the leaft time. They go to bed one hour and half in the middle of the day, and at nine o'clock at night; fleepasmuch as they can when in bed ; no wife or fubftitute. indifpofitions accidental ; difciplinc muft be ftriftly obferved, or abandoned altogether. 8. Stretched-good-health, the acquired excefs of ftrength Will remain according to different circumftances. 9. The
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