The Code of Health and Longevity
ON ATHLET I C EXERC I SES . IO5 9. The chief parts depended on are exercife, fweating, and feeding ; a temporary excitement of llrength fof a particularpurpofe, not calculated for permanency. Additional Queries. It is extremely defirable, in fuch important inveftiga- tions as thofe connefted with the training of men for the acquifition of ftrength, that the information fhould be as minute as pofliblc. Sir John Sinclair therefore requefts, that the gentleman who was fo good as to anfwer the queilions regarding the training of men, would take the trouble of fending anfwers alfo to the fubjoined. 1. Can men be trained to advantage of a different make than the one defcribed, and older than twenty-fix years ? 2. What draftic purgative is found to anfwer beft, and is it never given but once ? 3. It is faid that Mr Smith ufed particular medicines jn training. Js it known what they were ? 4. What reafons are affigned why reducing the belly js neceffary to a more free refpiration ? 5. When the meat is broiled, how is the vinegar ufed; and in what quantities, and how much meat, at an ave rage, may be confumed per day ? 6. Is wine ever taken, or water, and whether hot or cold ? 7. Are the perfons trained put between feather-beds, ^nd how often ? What warmdiluents are ufed ? 8. On what circumftancesdoes the duration of the ac quired excefs of ftrength depend ? 9. Does it occur to the gentleman, who was fo ob liging as t;o anfwer thefe queries, that any of the mea- fures
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