The Code of Health and Longevity
io6 APPENDIX. fures adopted for training men, as pradlifed in York" Ihire, could be employed for the purpofe of diminiflaing corpulency, whether in. males or females, or in pre venting the gout, or any other diforder incident to the human fpecies. Anfwers to the S cond Reqiiejl of Sir JOHN SINCLAIR, Anf. I. General rules will admit of exceptions. а . Common falts; and, if the firft dofe do not anfwer in operation, the dofe, in a properquantity, may be admi- niftered again. 3. The anfwerer of thofe queries looks upon them as mere abracadabras, 4. It adds room to the cheft, for the freer aftion of the lungs, takes away the extra expanfion of the mufcles, gives themtheir full and free aftion, and exercife gives llrength for a longer exertion. 5. Vinegar mull be taken cold with the meat; the quantity mull vary in both cafes according to the confti- tution of the perfon jto whom it is given. Nature will make her own ftop. б . In cafes of diarrhoea,a few glaffes of red port per day, if not, for the laft three or four days about a gill per day of mountain wine, to be taken at twice. 7. They muft be put between feather-beds, as often as good fenfe and judgment didlates, under the circumftanccs prefenting themfelves in the a£t of training. The necef- fary diluents are warm ale or warm mountain wine, to caufe fweating. 8. On circumftances as various as the conftitutions trained, and as accidents may arifc. 1 9. DrafHc
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