The Code of Health and Longevity
APPEND I X . allowed ; from Madras to Bombay, eighteen days ; and and fiotn Surat to Bombay, three days and a half; thefe periods entitle them to the higheft enams •, if they exceed, a fmaller enam is given in proportion, and this is always written on the oudjde of the packet. I cannot fay to what age thefe perfons are enabled to continue in their calling, or what becomes of them when they are no longer able to perform thefe journeys, but I rather think they are not long lived. It might be ufeful to know what training they undergo, to enable them to follow this employ, for follow it they muft, the father being a pattamar, the foa mujft be a pattamar, and fo on ad in- Jxnitunt, To the eaft and northof India, thefe perfons are called by different names, as Coffids, or Harkarrahs ; but I be lieve they are of the fame caft of Hindoos i they are ge nerally tall, five feet ten inches, five feet eleven inches, and fix feet high. By the end of their journey their legs are frequently much fwelled, and as foon as they have delivered their packets they retire to reft, taking care to have their feet raifed higher than their head and body, and they will deep for twenty hours together. The only things they carry with them is a little popper-pot, and their ghur-ghurry, hubble-bubble : the firft being fufpend- ed by a firing, ferves to draw water ffom the wells they pafs, and it alfo ferves to boil a little rice occasionally; the latter fefves them to fmoke tobacco. This is as ne- ceflary to them as food. The rice and tobaccp they purchafe in the Bazars as they pafs along. In one of the volumes of the Afiatic Refearches, is a drawing of Praun Pooree a devotee, who has his arms fixed over his head. I think he detailed to Mr Duncan the regimen he underwent to enable him to perform his vow. This
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