The Code of Health and Longevity

ON ATHLET I C EXERC I SES . 83 Vhfervaiions on the training of Pugilijis, Wrejllers t yockies, and others,who givethem/elves up to Athletic Exercifes ; with fome Queries for difcovering the prin­ ciples thereof, and the procefs of training Running Horfes, 'i£c. with a view of afcertaining, whether t e fame can furnifhany hints ferviceable to the Human Species. PROFESSIONAL men are ready to acknowledge, that prevention is better than cure ; and the bed informed ingenuoufly admit, that organic difeafes, once confirmed, < are beyond the reach of their art. As organic difeafes generally proceed from flow and gradual changes, they may certainly be prevented by temperance and labour, by adivity of body, and contentment of mind. In re­ gard to the common metaphyfical expreflions, " of the *' exhaufting of the excitability ; of the wearing of the parts ; of the attrition of our fluids, in circulation, " againft the folids \ of the abrafionof the folids by fric- " tion ;of the debility produced by the moft natural " powers fupporting life, namely, the wafte of fubftance " created by that exereife and labour, for which we " feem peculiarly deftined,"—all thefe expreffions are extremely fufpicious. The fpeculator is always to be fufpefted, when forfaking plain dire£l fafts, he involves his want of meaning, and confcious ignorance, in learned words, or metaphor. Thefe metaphorical expreflions have originated in a perfuafion, that the bones, cartilages, mulcles, and other folid parts, being once formed, are permanent, becaufe the identity of the individual is permanent; and that being once formed, and always retaining one ihape, their f 1 ad^ual