The Code of Health and Longevity

APPEND I X . fered, than to have gone fliares with' him in the fum ex­ torted. At Poonah, and in Guzerat, they are much in the practice of training hawks to catch game, and in Gu­ zerat they train the cheeta, or fmall leopard, to catch the antelope, but this he does by flealth, not by fpeed; for, if the antelope gets light of him before he makes his fpring, the cheeta will purfue in vain, for I believe the antelope is the fleeteft of animals ; and, contrary to all others of the deer kind, which conceal themfelves in the jungles, (woods), theantelope feeds on the moft extenfive plains, and cautioufly avoids the jungle. They are fo much ac- cuftomed to fee the hackries, (country carts), pafs, that they take little notice of them, and of courfe are eafily fliot. When I was at Surat, the chief could get an antd- lope whenever he wanted one. It is obfervable, that there are more inftancesof lon­ gevity amongft the Mahometans than the Hindoos in India. Their modes of life are different. The Maho­ metans, when they can afford it, ufe a portion of animal food with their rice, either beef, mutton or fowl, dreffed with fpices. The Hindoos live chiefly on rice, which they eat, mixed with pulfe, made favoury with butter and fpices. The beverage of both Mahometans and Hindoos is water. The Hindoos are either hulbandmen, mechanics or foldiers. The Mahometans are chiefly traders or foldiers; thofe who can afford to live without any avocation, and there are many of thatdefcription on the coaft of Coromandel, who ufe no great exertion, either of body or mind, attain a great age : fome 1 have known upwards of ninety; whereas, it is a very rare thing to fee a Hindoo arrive at the age of feventy. Both men and women are old at fifty. They are fubjeft, in the monfoon feafon, to the cholera morbus, and are frequently carried