The Code of Health and Longevity

REMARKS BY DR MOLLESON. I l l carriedoff in five or fix hours, not having ftamina to fup- port the evacuations. The proportion of the Mahome­ tans are as one to ten of theHindoos, on the Coromandel coaft. Letter to DrHUNTER of Tort, on the fuhjcEt of Athletk Kxercifes. DEARSIR, Coxwold, May 15. 1806. SINCEI had the pleafure of feeing you at York, I have converfed with fome intelligent men on the fubjed of Sir John Sinclair's letter to you. I find the great objedl to be attained, in either training men for a race, or a fighting cock for his battle, is to re­ duce any grofcnefs or fullnefs of habit until mufcular ftrength acquires its higheft powers of exertion. Where the conftitution is good, man fuffers nothing from the means ufed for this purpofe, unlefs he fhould, after his exertion, run from one extreme to another in his manner of living. A game-cock fuffers nothing from being turneddown upon the dunghil after he has won his battle. It is not thought prudent, however, to turn him abroadin a cold fevere feafon, when moft of his feathers have been clipped off for the battle. If man is trained to the race by regular and daily exer- cife, in walking or running long diftances, and by having perfpiration promoted conftantly, by an unufual quantity of wearing apparel at all times ; and after exercife, by having his Ikin well rubbed with warm flannel, and by immediately retiring to a bed, for a time, which is heavily loaded with blankets, &c. his food is to confift of broiled or roafted meat, very lightly done, and his beverage to be only the oldeft ale or ftrong-beer that can be procured. He