The Code of Health and Longevity
112 APPEND I X . He is thought to be at a high ftate of training, when by holding up his hand againft a lighted candle, the light ap pears to Ihine, and his mufcles feel firm or ri gid to the touch. The game cock, after gentle evacuation, is gradually brought up to the defired point by an increafedquantity of bread, eggs boiled hard, as for a falad, &c. He is con- fidered ready to fight when his mufcles, on his thigh par ticularly, are hard and rigid to the touch, and when his creft likewife becomes fo, with an increased rednefs and fliining. I am. Dear Sir, your obliged friend, R. PIERSON. "The fuhfcquent dire 3 ions f r training, are copied from tt pamphlet puhlijhed under the name of FEWTERELL, an itinerant 'Teacher of Pugilifm, which is now become very fcarce. PREVIOUS to entering upon a pitched battle, you fliould have at leaft a fortnight's time to prepare yourfelf. Com mence your preparation with an evening's bath, for the feet, legs, and fmall of the thighs, and afterwards, when quite cool, walh your loins with fpring or pump water, not omitting your face, hands and arms. No foap is to be ufed in any of thefe bathings or wafliings. You muft retire early to reft, upon a fupper of runnet milk, ormilk pottage, and eat fparingly of bread, butter or fait. The morning's beverage throughout the time fliould be runnet whey, or hard white bifcuits, without feeds. Let your dinner be alternately Hewed veal, (with rice), and well fed fowls, (with a melt or two in the former), boiled to a jelly. No tea mufl be taken in the afternoon ; but in- llead thereof, a rulk and chocolate early in the evening, with
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