The Code of Health and Longevity
ON ATHLET I C EXERC I SES . I I 3 with fupper as before. Your drink throughout the pre paration fhould be red wine mingled with water. Ufe no porter, table beer, ales 6r fpiritous liquors, and drink no more than a glafs or two after dinner. Salts and acid juices are to be avoided all the time. Lump fugar need not be prohibited if agreeing with your conftitution *, and, if the habit requires it, half a pint of claret may be mulled at night, with a good deal of lump fugar. No blood-letting or phyfic is commended, as the cooling of the body, and ftrengthening of the fluids cannot be ef- fe£ted if either of thefe coolers are ufed. Retire to bed at nine; breakfaft at feven •, take rulk and wine at eleven, if not apt to inebriate or injure you, with a glafs of jelly firft ; dine at one ; take chocolate at four; fup at feven ; and exercife yourfelf by any cheer* ful amufement within doors, or walk out, previous to your going to bed. Spend the morning in an early walk, of not more than a mile, firft breaking your fall with a fingle ginger bread nut, fteeped, (if not apt to inebriate), in Hollands. Return home flow, to avoid heating the body, and, in. order to preferve it fo, lie cool at night. In the morning of fighting eat only one flice of bread, Well toafted, without butter, or a hard white bifcuit toafted, and, if not too ftrong for the conftitution, a pint of beft red wine mulled, with a table fpoonful of brandy. This is to be taken an hour before the time of drefling ; on the ftage have your drink made of Hollands, bitters, fine china-orangejuice, with fame lump fugar, dilTolved fo as to make it to as palatable a ftrength as is agree able. Wind is ftrength and breath. This is loft by exercife too violent, and improved by trequem practice. A man is faid to have good"wind when his power of refpiration h and
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