The Code of Health and Longevity
124 APPENDIX. Several inftances have come within my knowledge, of individuals who, after having fuffered feverely from re peated attacks of Gout, have completely eradicated that painful diftemper, by an entire abftinence from ferment ed and fpiritous liquors of all kinds, and have by the fame means recovered a much greater fliare of health and vigour than they could expeft. The effefts of the diceta aquea, or living wholly on pure water, cooled by ice, in alleviating the pain of Cancer, and in feveral cafes even of its effeding a com plete cure of that painful difeafe, which are narrated by Mr Pouteau *, andwhich have been corroborated by the experience of that refpedable furgeon, Mr J. Pearfon, have, till very lately atleaft, been unaccountably ne- glefled in this country. It is a lingular fad, that after two or three days the defire for folid food entirely fub- lided, and the jftpmach appeared completely fatisfied when filled wi,th the aqueous fluid, of which four or five pints were drunk daily. The pain of the fore was foon diminilhed, accompanied with a favourable appearance of the difcharge. It is natural to fuppofe that a perfon would fubmit to almoft any privation that promifed to alleviate the anguilh of fo diflreffing a complaint; but thofe familiar with the manners of the difeafed, know how much more readily a lick pejrfon will fwallow the moft naufeous drugs, than agree, to abftain from any of their habitual indulgencies. The exampleof Cornaro is the more deferving of at tention and imitation, becaufe he adopted a peculiar re gimen, inorder to effed a fpecific purpofe, in which he completely fucceeded. At forty years of age, he la boured under fuch a complication of diforders, that his life * S^eOeuvres Poftlmraes de M. Poutcau, Dodleuren Medicineet Chi« rurgien Chefde 1'Hotel-Dieude Lyon.-——Paris, 1783.
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