The Code of Health and Longevity
1^2 APPENDIX. diminifli the morbid fenfibility of the nervous fyftem. And I think it is advancing a Hep in phyfiological know ledge, tohave ascertained the means of augmenting or diminifliing thefb oppofite ftates of the living body. It might indeed, be defirable, that the perfons who en gage in thefe public contefts were lefs influenced by pe cuniary motives, and that there was lefs of the fpirit of gambling connedted with them- A rigid adherence to the rules of the combat, which chiefly coniifts in abftain- ing from taking any unfair advantage of an antagonift, is particularly attended to in a regular boxing match, and by fuch examples this generous feeling isfupported and diffufed among the mafs of the people. Were the vi£lor not rewarded by fome prize, or teftimony of his fuperi- ority, thepraftice woilld probably foon fall into difufe. Dr Bardfley has propofed, in order to pfevent injuries, that thefe combats fhould be carried on in mufllers, or ftuffed gloves. The preparatory exercifes, it is well known, are alwaysmanaged,in this manner. But an im portant part of the practice of boxing confifts in that cool and Heady courage, which enables a man to endure a cer tain degree of corporeal fuffering with patience ; and in a command of temper, which preferves the prefence of mind, undillurbed, amid pain and danger. This cool in trepidity conftitutesthe charafteriftic feature of Britifli bravery •, and whatever may be the evils attendant on prize-fighting, theyare more than compenfated, if it be allowed that fuch exhibitions tend to diflfufeand fupport a fpirit of this kind, among the inhabitants ofthe Britiflx Ifles. Queries
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