The Code of Health and Longevity

ON ATHLET I C EXERC I SES . 'faeries concerning the Mean'sufed to reduce the Weight of Horfe-Jockies, and the General EjfeEi on th irHealth} and onthe Methods employed in Training Race-Horfes, fo as to augmenttheir Strength, Wind, and Speed. t . J O C K l E S i 1. WHAT is tlie procefs ufed in trainihg them, and re­ ducing their weight? 2. What effeft has it upon their health andftrehgth ? 3-. What efffcft has it upon their mind, in regard to courage, quicknefs, &c. ? 4. How long do thefe effefts continue ? 5. After being reduced, do they quicklj get fat again, or do they continue long iii the ftate*to which they were br'oiight? 6. Are jockies, accuftomted to be thus tfeated, healthy and long lived ? 2 . RUTTTFLNC-HORSFS. 1. What aire the principal objefts to be attended to in regard to- running-horles ? Do their perfedions depend upon parentage, and whether moft upon the male or the female ? Is it necelTarythat the mare {hould have gone her full tin\e, to btihg a perfeft foal ? Is the gradual growth of the foal eflential ? Is there a great difference, in regard to natural conftitution, between horfes of the fame parentage ? What kind of form is in general pre­ ferred ? Do you prefer great orfmall bones ? Which fex is preferable for fpeed, and which for ftrength ? 2. What is the bed age for beginning to train horfea for the turf? Are they.firft put upon grafs ? What is the effea of foft meat ? When fhould they be put on hard meat? What are the effefts thereof? Is it neceflary to * 3 purge