The Code of Health and Longevity
*34 APPENDIX. purge them frequently ? Have the purges any tendency v to weaken them ? What food is reckoned the moft noit- rifliing ? How often are they fed? What drinks aregi ven them, and how often ? Whether hot or o®ld? Is it neceflary to keep their ikin perfectly clean, and how ? Is it neceflary to make them perfpire much ? What ex- ercife is given them I How is the training completed ? 3. After the training is completed, can the perfec tions thereby obtained beeafily kept up ? IJoes the pro- cefs effeft merely a temporary change, or does it lafl during life ? Are nmning-horfes as longlived as others, or do they foon wear out ? I take this opportunity to acknowledgemy obligation to Sir T, Charles Bunbury for the readinefs witfh which he facilitated my inquiries concerning this part of the fubjeft, by tranfmitting copies of the printed queries to perfons relident at Newmarket: from one of whom the following letter, containing particulars truly charafte- riftic of the clafs of perfons mentioned in it y was tranf- mitted to that refpeftable gentleman, byone of his cor- refpondents. To Sir T. C. BUNBURY, M. P. SIRCHARLES, THEfmall pamphlet you direfted to be fent to me y from Mr Weatherby, I received about a week fince. I have pertrfed it, with as much attention as I could give it, andproceed to fay fomething refpeding the Quejlions alked by the author of it. In fo doing, I apprehend that I am fulfilling your intentions, in fending it to me, as I was given to underftand you wiftied to have my opinion refpeding them. I
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