The Code of Health and Longevity

ON ATHLETIC EXERCISES. .I am perfuaded that alterative medicine would anfwer a better purpofe than ftronger phylic, in moft cafes, where even it isexhibited judiciouflj : I do not fay that phy- fic is at no time proper ; there are fituations when it is highly neceflary but I contend a.gainft the frequency of its exhibition, andthe quantity exhibited ;I do fo, tho­ roughly convincedof its laying the foundation of fome difeafes, and rendering the animal incapable of contend­ ing againft any other, with which he might unfortunate­ ly beattacked. As to thefood ufed in the training of men, I ihould confider that which affords the moft nutri­ ment, occupying the leaft fpace, and digefting eafy, to be the moft proper, and likely to givethe greateft aflift- ance to the other requilites, in training them to perform any feats, requiring extraordinary exertion of the muf- cular fyftem ; this attended to, with the benefit of free refpiration, (without which, nothing great can be per­ formed, either byman, horfe, or other animal), willad­ mit of aftonifhing and wonderful powers and ftrength, either in wreftling, pugilifm, walking, running, &.c.&c. As far as relates to ftrength and wind, the foregoing obfervations apply to fowl, as well as other animals. Fighting of all kinds I am an enemy to ; cocking Inever fee, nor do I like to hearof it. The foregoing obferva­ tions are haftily written, but reft on the beft fpundation, I have the honour to fubfcribe myfelf. Sir Charles, your very obedient, obliged, and moft humble fervant, W. S. RICKWORD. 'The following Ohfervations were receivedfropi Mr SAN- DEVIR, an eminent Surgeon, refiding at Newmarket. W. Sandevirprefentg his refpeftful compliments, an# hopes Sir John Sinclair will excufe hi? not having an- fwftredhis favour of the 7th inftant, he hot having been able