The Code of Health and Longevity

ON ATHLETIC EXERCISES. ; I39 htd by nineo'clock, and continue there till fixor feven the next morning. 0^4. Are they purged, and what purges, or other me­ dicines arc given them ? A. Some of them, that do not like exceflivewalking, have recourfe to purgative medicines two ounces of Glauber-falts is the ufual dofe, and it is very feldom that any other medicine is had recourfe to. 0^4. Would Mr Sandevir recommend a fimilar procefs to reduce corpulency in other people, whether male or female ? A. W. Sandevir would certainly recommend a limilar procefs, to reduce corpulency in either fex, as from ex­ perience he perceives, that the confthution doesnot ap­ pear to be injured by it; but he is apprehenfive, that hardly any perfon could be prevailed upon to fubmit to fuch fevere difcipline, that had not been inured to it from his infancy. The only additional information W. S.has the power to communicate is, that John Arnall, when rider to His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales, was defired to re­ duce himfelf asmuch as he poffibly could, to enable him to ride fome favourite horfe, without his carrying more weight than was agreed upon ; in confequenceof which, he abftained from animal, and even farinaceous food, for eight fucceeding days, and the only fubftitute wa% now and then a piece of apple •, he was not injured by it at the time, and is now in good health ; added to which, Den­ nis Fitzpatrick, a perfon at this time continually em­ ployed as a rider, declares that he is lefs fatiguedby ri­ ding, and has more ftrength to contend with a determi­ ned horfe, in a fevere race, when moderately reduced, than when allowed to live ashe pleafed, although he ne­ ver