The Code of Health and Longevity

14^ ' ApPfiNDtfc. ver weighs, more than nine Hone, and frequently has in­ duced himfelf to feven flone feven pouadp. Neiumarkety ^'&th 'June 1805. 'The fuhfequent Anfwers wereceivedfrom another Per' fan. JOCKIES» 0,1. What is the procefs ufed in training them, and reducing their weight ? A. Abftinence fweating in confequence of additional clothing, -andlong-continued walking. What efFeft has it upon their health and ftrength ? A. Neither the one nor the other are impaired when the above are had recourfe to in moderation •, blit when carried to excefs, both of coUrfe imlft be more or lefs af- fefted. 0,3. What effe£lhas it upon their minds, in regard to courage, quicknefs, &.c. A. When much reduced, peevifh and irritable ; tut perhaps not lefs courageous thdnufuaL 4. How long do thefe effefts continue ? A. Till the caufe is removed, 0.4. After being reduced, do they quickly get fat again, or do they continue long inthe Hate to which they were brought ? A. Many of them are naturally lean ; but Buckle, the great rider, after fevere wafting, has gained nine pounds in eighteen hours. Q,6. Are jockies, accuflomed to be thus treated, heal­ thy and long lived ? A. Their health does not appear to be injured by wafting, ajid the continuance of life, onthe other hand, does not appear to be efFeded by it. tie