The Code of Health and Longevity
ON ATHLET I C EXERC I SES . 141 H/je following Replies were received from Mr RoBSON , a celebrated drainer at Newmarket. Q^i. What arethe principal objedb to be attended to, in regard to running-horfes ? A. The perfeftions of a race-horfe confift in his wind, which is innate in their breed, and degenerates when mixed or crofled with other hqrfes. It is obfervedf fqmetimes, the other fpecies of horfes go nearly, or quite as faft, as the flower kind of race-horfe, but they very foon tire for want of wind, whilft the running-horfe breed has the peculiar merit, from his wind, of bearing fatigue fo much better than any other breed of horfes. 0^2, Dotheir perfeftions depend upon parentage i and whether moft upon the male or female ? A. Upon the parentage certainly, and on the female moft. <^3. Is it neceffary that the mare fhould have gone her full time to bring a perfeft foal ? A. I ihould think yes. 0^4- Is the gradual growth of the foal eflential? A. Certainly. If neglefted with corn, they grow lean in their mufcles, and want formation, and do not grow gradually. (^5. Is there a great difference in regard to natural cqnftitution betvveen horfes of the fame pax^entage ? A. Yes. 6. What kind of form is in general preferred ? A. Good fize,with ftrength and fymmetry of form, is cffential to the running-horfe; but the moft eflential is aflive going, and good wind. With regardto form, he ihould be broad, deep, and have great declivity inhis flioulders, his quarters long, his thighs let down very- low,
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