The Code of Health and Longevity
1 4 2 APPEND I X . low, the hocks ft and far behind and from him, thence downwards to the next joint very fliort,&c. &c. 7. Do you prefer great or fmall bones ? A. Great bones, certainly. 0,8. Which fex is prefei'able for fpeed, and which for ftrength ? A. There is no preference for fpeed. The horfe has generally the moil ftrength, andbears fatigue, better than the other fex. 0,9. What is the beft age for beginning to traia borfes for the turf ? A. At two years anda half old. Q^io, Are they firft put on grafs ? A. They are kept in a Hate of nature from tl^e time of being foaled, to t,he time of being broke, in grafs fields ; well fedwith corn as fopn as they will eat itj with hay where grafs is fcarce. 0,11. What is the effeft of foft raeaj.? A. It is cooling, but from its laxative qualities is in jurious, when horfes are in hurrying work. 0,12* When fliould they be put on hard meat ? A. Always, as per anfwer to 10th queftion. 0,i3* What are the efFefts thereof? A, Hard meat, with a due proporfion of exercifes, gives health, agility, and ftrengthto bear fatigue. Q, 14' I s it neceflary topurge thexn frequently ? A. We purge race-horfes two or three times a-ycar, ea«h courfe perhaps three dofes, preparatory to their get ting into training exercife. 0, 15^ Have the purges any tendency to weaken them ? A. We ufe mild phylic only, whichhas no tendency fo weaken;on the contrary, it afterwards makes them thrifty andhealthful. 0,16.
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