The Code of Health and Longevity

ON ATHLETIC EXERCISES. T43 x6. What food is reckoned the moft nourifliing? A. Oatsis the moft nourLlhing provender we give to horfes. <^17. How often are they fed ? A. Three times a-day, and as much each time as they can eat with appetite. 18. What drinks are given them, and how often? A. I recommend foft water at leaft twice a-day. 19. Whether hot or cold ? A. Always cold, exceptingduring phyfic or illnefs^ 20. Is it neceffary to keep their ikin perfeftly dean, and how ? A. Yes, when in the ftable •, the fridion ofrubbing with brulh and curry- comb, both cleans and braces the ikin and mufcles. Q. 2 I. Is it neceffary to make them perfpire much ? A. Yes, occafionallyj the cuftom is to fweat once a week or fo, hy putting a few extra clothes on, to canter gently five or fix miles diftanc^, according to their age, and other circumftances- Perfpiration promotes health and ftrength, &c. 0^22. What exerpife is given them ? A. We takethem out to exercife twice a-day; a mile or fo in a gallop they take beforewater; afterwards a fiiort or long canter, as circumftances and their coaftitu-. tion require. 0^23. How is the training completed ? A. By good keep, with a proper proportion of work to attain wind, condition is attained, and enables, horfes to bear fatigue. (^24. After the training is completed, can the pe^ fe&ions obtained thereby be eafily kept up ? For two or-three months only.