The Code of Health and Longevity

144 APPENDIX. Does the procefs efFeft merely a temporary change', or does it laft during life ? A. A temporary changeonly. 0^25. Are running-horfes as long-lived asothers, or do they foon wear out ? A. They live certainly full as long as others; nor do they wear out fooner than other horfes; on the contrary, bear fatigue much better than others. Newmarket, May 5. 180 Mr Robfon has fought the firft quiet five minutes to anfwer Sir John Sinclair's queftions ; but laments the want of a perfonal converfation to enable him to ftate more fatisfaftorily the above, or ^ny other queftions. Sir John might delire. Obfervations onthe Training of Pugilifts, isc. by Mr HOLCROFT. Afcetics are a proof, not ofthe length of life, which 4< temperance infures, but of the premature old age * t which abftinence brings." Page 3. Remarks. As far asmy experience goes, one princi­ pal rule for preferving good health is, neither to load the ftomach, nor to eat too little, not to faft too long, nor to eat too often, but carefully to be guilty of no excefs, either way. " The old man fhould be quiet, fedate, felf-indulgent; " fliouldhave long fU:ep,delicate, rich wines, and agree- ii able temperature j little labour, and a cheerful mind." Page 4. Remark. Of -the goodnefs of this advice I ftrongly doubt; itis good for thofe who think, their lives virtual­ ly ended, and wifh to live agreeably while they can ; be- ing