The Code of Health and Longevity
ON ATHLETIC EXERCISES. 147 fcrapers, then bj rubbing them, till they are perfedly dry, and after a little gentle exercife, are taken home. I have fpoken to the beft of my memory, of things that happened at leaft fix and forty years ago, and con cerning which, when 1 quitted Newmarket, Inever ima gined I Ihould be more queftibned. The Ikins of the Iiorfesare kept perfectly and peculiarly clean •, fevere perfpiration is thought abfolutely neceffary. I fee no reafon to fuppofe that their lives are fhortened •, fome of them live to a great age. Eclipfe, I think, died above thirty^ Queries relative to theBreeding and Feeding of Game* Cocks. r. Does the fuperiority of game-cocks depend Upon parentage ? Which is of moft importance, the male or the female ? Is it of any confequence that the cock fhould arrive rather gradually at maturity ? Is there a great difference, in point of flrength and conflitution, in game cocks of the fame parentage ? Do you prefer great or fmall bones ? 2. When do you begin to feed the ybung cocks ? What diet and drink do you give them, and what is the procefs by which they are brought to the greatefl poflible height of^lrength and fpirit ? 3. When the game-cooks are thus trained, how long do the effefts thereof lafl ? Are they temporary or per manent ? Do game-cocks thus trained live fhorter or longer than others of the fame fpecies ? 4. What drugs are given to fighting-cocka immediate ly before the main begins ? Is it not ufual, by giving them faffron, (or fome drug, which has the fame effedt with opium, as ufed among the Janifaries, or brandy k 2 among
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