The Code of Health and Longevity

I $ 0 APPEND I X ; jVclgeof a:good cock, and from a rational mode which I fell into of treating them, I hardly ever loft a battle, evieaagaiaaft odds i but I will purfue the fubject in your own order. ift. Thereis not a doubt but that the fterling courage of an Englifti game-cock depends upon parentage. It is a maxim in the cockpit, that if a cock has, what they call a y/)/ce of the dunghil, though ever fo remote, when he Is galled bythe fpur, he will run. I remember fee­ ing a moft famous cock, about eight years old, and who had in his time won forty battles, run at the laft, when feverely galled. A dunghil,however, fights harder for a ^oundor two than a genuine game, whofe courage is of a more temperate caft, and this very famous cock was an inftance, who generally killed his antagonift with a ftroke or two. A true game-cock is, however, fowell known byhis marks, that a fportfman will rarely be miftaken. My mother has bought a clutch of chickens at the door, and I have fcle£led from them one or two by my eye, which have proved incomparable. One of thefe chickens gain­ ed ten battles in one day, the laft againft an old cock, double his weight, and after mine, which was but aytag-, (that is one year old), hadbeen cut down to the ground, and was counting vut, that is, given up for dead. Large bones are always preferred in cocks, and it is an excellence to Hand high on their legs, for thisgives them an advantage over thofe of a fquat make. 2d. The beftmanner of bringing up game-cocks, while young, is in a farm-yard, in as free an air, and as much agreeable to nature as poflible. ^ About three weeks or a month before they were to fight, I put them up, as it is called, or put them in a dark clofe penn, about two feet fquare. They are debi­ litated