The Code of Health and Longevity

152 APPENDIX. beat them. Opium or brandy may be neceflary to Jani- faries orFrenclimen, but no dram is neceflary to excite the courageof a true game-cock, or a Britifh foldier. The ReverendMr P is a native ofYorklhire, and may poffibly-be able to give you fome information on the breeding of horfes, and the training of jockies. At all events, an application to him, mentioning my name, cando noharm, and youwill find him an obliging and intelligent man. He lately fent me a letter on the culture of fpring wheat, which I fent to the board. I am, &c. P. S. I had forgotten one fa£l worthy of notice; when a cock has beenfought fo hard that he is even appare?it- ly dead, I have knownhim reftored to life, by covering him up, allbut hishead, in a warm horfedunghil, or a common hot-bed in a garden. On this you may de­ fend, and I have no doubt that the cocks I fpeak of would have died butfor this treatment. ylJhort Account of the Manner in which Game-Cocks are bred up and trained for fghtmg, hy an experienced Feeder. It is a general principle in breeding cocks, that large bones arenot dehrable, but that largemufcles are.The thigh fhould be long, with as much mufcleas poffible. The legs fhould be of a medium length, and not ftiort like the bantam breed. They cannotHand too high if the thighsare long. They flipuldbe round bodied, and not deep (cailled) breafted. A fmallhead isof eflen- tial importance,and it is agood fign to be hazle-eyed, with blackeye-brows. The black-breafted red cocks in general ftandthe penn betterthan any otherfort. Parentage