The Code of Health and Longevity
1 5 ^ APPEND I X . ving a moving perch therein,to fet itat which corner of the pennjou think moft convenient. The faihionand form ofthefe penns you mayhave atthe houfe of any cocker, and therefore I prefume anydefcription of them here unneceffary;only be advifed to keep your penns clean, and let not your cockswant eithermeat orwater. For the firft four days after your cock is penned, feed him with the crumb ofold manchetcut into fquarebits, about a handful at a time, thrice each day, t at is at fun- rifing, at noon, and at fun fetting, and let hiswater be from thecoldeft fpringyou canget. Having fed your cock thus for four days,or fo long till you think hehas purgedhimfelf of his corn, worms, gravel, and other coarfe feeding, then in the morning take him out, and let him fpar awhile with another cock. Sparring is after this manner. Cover each of your cocks heels witha pair of hots madeof rolled-up leather, fo covering the fpurs that they cannotbruife or wound oneanother •,fet them downon ftraw, in aroom, or greengrafs abroad ; let them fight a good while, but if pofliblefuffer them notto draw blood ofone another; the benefit hat accrues is this, itheats andchafes their bodies, and it breaks the fat and glut within them, and adapts it for purgation. Having fparred as much as is fufficient, which you may knowwhen you fee them pant and grow weary, then take them up, and taking off their hots, give them a diaphoretic, or fweating after this manner. Put them in deep ftraw balkets made for the purpofe,or for want of them, take acouple of cock ing bags, and fill them withllraw halfways, then putin your cocks feverally, and cover them overwith ftrawto the top, then ihut downthe lids, and let them fweat; but do notforget to give them firft fome fugar-candy,chop ped rofemary and butter, mingled together ; let the quantity
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