The Code of Health and Longevity

ON ATHLET I C EXERC I SES . 1 5 7 quantity be of about the bignefs of a walnut; by fo do­ ing you will cleanfe their greafe, increafe their ftrength, and prolong their breath. Towards four or five o'clock in the evening, take them out of their ftoves, and having licked their eyes and heads with your tongue, put them into their penns, and having filled their troughs with fquare cut manchet, and hot urine, let them feed while the urine is hot; for this will caufe their fcouring to work, and will wonderfully cleanfe bothhead and body ; after this, diet your cocks with white bread made after this manner-, wheat-meal and oat-meal, each a gallon, kneaded into a ftiff pafte, with ale, the whites of half a fcore eggs, and fome butter; having wrought the dough very well, make it into broad, thick cakes ; and when they are four days old, cut them into fquare pieces,. I will not advife you to ufe, as fome imprudently do, li­ quorice, annifeeds, or rather hot fpices, among your aforefaid ingredients ; for they will make a cock fo hot at the heart, that, upon the concluding the battle, he will be fuffocated, and overcome with his own heat; infhort, that food is beft, which is moft confentaneous to his own natural feeding. The fecond day after his fparring, take your cock into a fair green clofe, andhaving a dunghil- cock in your arms, fliew it him, andthen run from him, that thereby you may entice him to follow you, permit­ ting him to have now and then a blow; and thus chafe him up and down about half an hour : when he begins to pant, being well heated, take him up, and carry him home, and give him this fcouring, viz. half a pound of frefh butter, beat it in a mortar, with the leaves of herb of grace, hyflbp, and rofemary, till they all look like a green falve ; then give him a piece as big as a walnut, ftove him as aforefaid till evening, and then feedhim ac­ cording to former prefcription. The next day let him feed