The Code of Health and Longevity

APPENDIX. feed and reft, and fpar him the day after. Thus do evff- rj day forthe firft week, either fparring or chafing, and after every heata fcouring, which will keep him from being faint and purfy. Feed himthe fecond week as you did the firft; but you muft not fpar or chafe him above twice aweek, obferving ftill, hat if you heat him much, you muft ftovehim long, and give him a greater fcour­ ing, andlittle ftoving will fervehim. This is time fuf- ficient for orderinga cock for battle. You muftnot let his head be hurt byfparring. Towards the conclufion, you may moderatelychafe him twice or thrice in the time asaforefaid ; and give him his fcouring, rolled well in fugar-candy, which will prevent his being lick. You may then let him fight, having firft let him reft four days, obferving that he comeempty into thepit. "the following Remarks on the Means of producing the athletic "Temperanient, and on the KffeEis ofthat Condi­ tion of the Syflem on Health, are extraBed from the l e a r n e d arid j u d i c i o u s Wo r k o fDr BRYAN ROBINSON, " On the Food andDifcharges of Human Bodies." If the weight of the body of an animal be greater than its athletic weight, i may bereduced to that weight by evacuation, dry food, and exercife. Thefe leffen the weight of the body, wafting itsfat, and leflening its li­ ver ; and they increafethe weight of the heart, by in- ereafing thequantity and motion of the blood. And by leflening the weight and increafing the heart,they will foon reducethe animal to its athletic weight. Thus a game-cock in ten days isreduced to his athleticweight, and prepared for fighting. If thefood, which with eva­ cuations and exercife reduced the cock to his athletic weight in ten days, be continued any longer,the cock will