The Code of Health and Longevity
ON ATHLET i G EXERCISES. ( 1 6 3 ) 6 firms fuch politions,but by thecontinual exertion of the mufcles necefiary to their refpedive motions, and more efpecially thofe of the thorax, they not only acquirevi gorous ftrength and tone, but in young people the bones of the thoraxbecome in confequence more enlarged. As long, therefore, as the important fundlions of the thorax, vifcera,Sec. canbe affifted by meansof mufcular exertion, fo long muft fencing maintain its pre-eminence, with refped to its advantageous effeds upon the human frame, and confequently upon longevity. If it be granted, that large populous towns tend to decreafe longevity, in proportion to their increafe of population, (and from fuch increafe therewill be lefs opportunity of invigorating the body by mufcular exercifes), then, the more the beneficial effeds of encing are made known,the morewill it tend to counteradt thofe pernicious effects of decreafing longe vity. I have only to add, as a confirmation in part of what I have advanced, that the profeffors of the art on the Con- tinent, are remarkable for long life, and feveral inftances of the kind havefallen withinmy noticein this country. My father attainedthe age of eighty-five, and continued ereft, and to praftifc his art, till within three weeks of his death. Monfieur Mollard, who ftill teaches at Wool wich, I havevery reafon to believe is near eighty. Fen cing has been productive ofthe moll falutary effefts on confumptive habits ; many inftances of which have fallen under my own obfervations. Among others, the fon of Mi- Heath, the celebrated engraver, had a confumptive tenden cy, andoccafionally felt a pain in his cheft, foas to pre vent the free refpiration. I advifed his father to fend him to me ; he tried the effeft of fencing for three months, and has ever fince enjoyed his health. I can alfo men tion another inftanceof the advantage derived from the, exercife :the grandfon of a noble Duke, who was laft year a fcholarof mine, at Harrow School, hadhis right arm
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