The Code of Health and Longevity
164 APPENDIX. arm very much ontraded, from an accident. In a very few months, invigorated by fencing, it became ftraight. I could bring forward many other proofs, but to ftate them minutely would lead to the detail of particulars, the refult of which wouldunneceflarily trefpafs upon your time." N. B. 'The followingadditional remarks were made hy a Medical Friend. il Fencing, including the Highland broad-fword exer- cife, has a very falutary influence on the body. By throw ing the fhoulders back, itexpands the cheft, andthereby aflills the important functions f the thoracic vifcera. In deed, ail the mufcles of the body are, by this exertion, thrown into eafy andagreeable aftion. Thefe conlidera- tions, combined with the graceful movement which it eftablilhes, as well as furnilhing the mofl elegantmeans of felf-defence, certainly rende* theart an objed of con- liderable importance." NUMBER VII. On the Longevity oj the Pen/ioners in Greenwich Hofpitah T^HING convinced that much light would be thr wn on the fubjeftsof Health andLongevity, were accurate returns made from hofpitals and other public inftitutions, Oct, age, and other particulars, regarding the per- fons
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