The Code of Health and Longevity

LONGEV I TY OF GREENWI CHPENS IONERS . 1 6 5 iotis whorefided in them ; I was thence led to apply to Greenwich, Chelfea and Kilmainham Hofpitals for luch information : and itis with much pleafure that I fubjoin the following important fads, with regardto Greenwich Hofpital, which Dr ROBERTSON , at the delire of the re- fpeftable mafter of that moft excellent inftitution, (Lord Vifcount HOOD ), tranfmitted to me. I propofe, firft,to give an abflradl of the Tables as fent by Dr Robertfon, and then to add fuch obfervations as may occuron the refults to be drawn from each of-thera lefpedively. 1. ENG.