The Code of Health and Longevity
ADDENDA . ADDENDA TO THE I NFORMAT ION REGARD I NG ATHLET I C EX f eRC I S t - S . Extrafit of a Letter from a Friend, dated 2<)th December 1806. ** T Tt THEN I was in Yorklhire, I was not altogether inattentive to y ur inquiriesconcerning athle tic exercifes ; and upon my return, I found your collec tion ofpapers onthe fubjeft. They .appear to me fo full and fatisfaftory, as to render any further obfervations unneceffary. But to Ihew you thatI was notaltogether unmindful of your wifhes,I beg leaveto relate to you fome information I obtained from afurgeon, whom he ufed occalionally to confult, concerning John Smith's method of training men for running. He generally began by giving them an emetic, (Ipecac, gr. xx. Emetic Tartar, gr. i.), upon a full ftomach, and if a plethoric habit, he required them to lofe eight ounces of blood fromthe arm. Previous to taking themetic, he keptthem in training from four to fix weeks. The firft weekafter the emetic,he accuftomed them to walk ing exercife,afterwards to running long diftances,fo as to make them perfpire freely, and which was kept up by lying between two feather -beds.The fweatingpro- cefs was continued according to circumftances, and great care
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