The Cruise of the Branwen
FOOTSTEPS OF ODYSSEUS, ETC. the Bay of Ex-Aito ran deep into the mountainous shores, but we turned sharply due south, and made for a narrow channel, which soon opened into a land-locked bay, partly ringed round with houses, and came to anchor in calm water near the square island of the Lazaretto off the village beach, completely sheltered from the storm outside. No description of it could be more perfect than the words of Homer (Od. xiii. 96): "" ' \\' ,, '\ ' f'\ , , , '¥OpKUJIO~ oe TL~ £0"7't Atµrw, al\LOto "fepoJITO~ 'E "' 'le' "' "' {3'\" ' ' ,... JI O'YJWP a1c11~ • ouo oe 1rpo Al'J7'€~ €JI avT<p 'A , ..... '\ ' ,.. KTaL a,roppw"fE~, l\tµeJ10~ 1r0Tt7r£7M"1'}Vtat, At -r' <J.J1€P.WJ1 CTK€7rOWCTt ·Jucra17WJ1 µe1a Kvµa "EKT08€JI • lJ1TOCT8€J1 de 7'' O.J1€U decrµo'io µeJIOVCTtJI N .... ,.,. '\ " ' ,, " ' ,, * 1J€f EV<TCTEAµot, OT av opµov µeTpov tKWV'Tat. As Berard has pointed out, with Homer and the Pilot's Guide you may see everything that Odysseus knew. I had my "Odyssey" in my own cabin. In the captain's chart-room was the Pilot's Guide, which set forth that Ithaca was thirteen miles by four, nearly divided in two by the Gulf of Molo on the east coast, with hills over two thousand feet on each side. There are 13,000 inhabitants, who trade in currants, wine and oil, and its capital, Port Vathi, has a population • " There is in the land of Ithaca a certain haven of Phorcys, the ancient one of the sea, and thereby are two headlands of sheer cliff, which slope to the sea on the haven's side and break the mighty waves that.ill winds roll without; but within, the decked ships ride unmoored when once they have attained to that landing– place." (Eutcher and Lang's Translation.) 149
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