The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

775 (b) Receiving compensation for services personally rendered as secretary, trea urer, manager, or superintendent of any amateur athletic club. (c) Receiving compensation as editor, correspondent, or reporter of, or con– tributor to, any sporting, athletic, or other paper or periodical. (d) Running, managing, or directing, for prospective profit, any sporting athletic, or other paper or periodical. (e) Receiving compensation for services personally rendered as official handicapper, under the direction and authority of any amateur athletic associa– tion. (t) Receiving from a club of which he shall be a member the amount of his expenses necessarily incurred in travelling to and from the place of any amateur contest. (/?) othing in this rule shall be construed so as to consider a man a pro· fessional who has played in a college team against a profes ional team. AUSTRALASIA. AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION OF AUSTRALASIA. n amateur is one who ha never competed for a money prize, staked bet, or declared wager, or who has not knowinO'ly and without protest competed with or against a profes. ional for a prize of any description or for public exhibition, or who has never taught, pur ued, or a sisted in the practice of any athletic e. ercise as a means of livelihood or for pecuniary gain. An amateur forfeits his status and becomes a profes ional by– (a) ny infringement of the above definition. (b) Competing with or pacemaking for a professional or per on under sentence of uspension, in public or for a prize. (c) Selling, realising, bartering, or otherwise turninO' into cash any prize won by him, or accepting any remuneration, directly or indirectly, from any per on for any competition in which he is an entrant or competitor. (d) \Vagering, or being in any way interested in a staked bet or waf?:er made in connection with any competition in which he is an entrant or competitor. (e) Entering for any athletic event for which a money prize is offered, or for which a money prize or trophy are offered as alternatives, or any event open to professionals. (/} ccepting any travelling or hotel expenses from any club or sports pro– moters, exc pt in the ea e of a champion hip meeting, or with the special sanction of the amateur athletic association to which he belong , provided such association is a member of the Union. (g) Entering for, or competinO' in, any athletic event under a fictitious name. ELTCEPTION . The following exc ptions shall be made to this rule:- (a) 11 per ons who hav been reinstateJ by the association in the State or in the Dominion of w Zealand in which they reside, and which association is am mber of the Union, and have not infringed their amateur status ubsequcnt to such reinstatement, shall be con idered amateurs. (b) Amateurs shall not lose their . tatus by competing with or against professional in any game (for list of "games" see juri diction lause) for which no money prize is offered. (r) ompetitions a.t arms b tw en Volunteers or R gulars, fire brigade comp tition · pnr and simpl , the pa times of shooting and sailin , and