The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

he keeps intact his rights ancl title of amateur for all the other sections. The sections are :- I. Gymnastics (turn). 2. Sword exercises, fencing. 3. ;\thletic sports. 4. Skating and other exercises practised on the i e. 5. Ski racing. 6. Swimming and other aquatic sports. 7. Boating and sculling. 8. Tennis, football, ·c. 9. Cycling and motoring. 10. Riding. 1 r. Navigation. 12. Shootino-. (b) That he take part in no matches or public displays, either for cash prizes or rewards, or at any sportinrr place where tl1e revenue is not wholly given to b nefi t the sports or for a cbari table object. otf r.- cvcrtheless, money prizes arc allowed for ection I o, r r, and 12, as well as at sporting places which are cxclu. ively military. ote 2.-. n amateur has the right to obtain repayment of travelling anll living expen e at sporting "rendezvou " outside his residential locality. (c) That he does not participate in any match in public, amateurs or non– ama teurs, whether for a prize or not, without having obtained beforehand the special permit from the proper central organisation. (d) That he does not act a judge, starter, or official at duties analogous to those meetings or exerci es indicated under " b " and " c " of the present article without having obtained beforehand the permit of the proper central organisa– tion. (e) That he does not take advantage by selling, exchanging, giving as a bond, letting, or exhibiting the prizes won. ARTICLE 2. \Vill not be admitted to take part in matches or public displays– (a) nyone who is the object of public censure. (b) nyone who is not considered an amateur in conformity of Article r in the pre. en t rules. (c) . nyone who is considered to blame by the competent central organisa– tion for debt or other cause, who has been excluded from a sporting society, provided that the organi5ation in question has been advised of the fact. ssess– ments (or share·) in arrear which have not been claimed for six months are not acknowleclo-ed by the amateurs' committee. (d) \Vhoever takes part as comp titor in public displays or matches ·with or against incliviclnals who are declar tl excluclecl in conformity with Rules (a), (b), and (c) of the present rticle, and of those of rticlc 3, or who in capacity as judge, starter, or whatever else, as ists" ithout the spe ial permit of the com– petent central organisation in public displays or match s in which individuals of this class parti ipate. \RTI LE 3. nyone who has durino- the progress of a match or other sporting displ, y given offence to a judge, starter, or other official during the excr ise of his offtcial duties, or who refuses to obey th ·ir legal in truction . or who presents him elf indecently cloth <1, or conducts him. ·lf otherwise than in a prop r manner, can be sent back ancl d clared e.·clude<..l from m tin<'rs and pu1Jlic displays for the future.