The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)
.779 ARTICLE 4. Persons who have been excluded from taking part in matches or meetings -:an submit to the competent central organisation a written application to be reinstated in orJer to take part in these exerci es. In the case of a second offence a request cannot be entertained until after a lap c of three years, counting from the last offence. \Vhoever is convicted a second time with contravening in regard to rticle r of the rules of amateurs cannot be again rein tated to his rights as an amateur. The decisions of the central organisation with regard to these quest10ns are open to no appeal. RTICLE 5. The other Scandinavian central organisations are informed of the names of individuals declared "professional." FRANCE. UNION DES SOCIETES FRAN~AISES DE SPORTS ATHLETIQUES. The clefinition quoted below is that adopted by the following federations in France:- ( r) nion des Societes Franc,:aises de ports thl6tiqu s, which governs As ociation and Rugby football, hockey, athletics, lawn tennis and tennis (feu de Paunie), skating, cricket, pelota, fencing, croquet, swimming, and wrestling. (2) nion Velocipcdique de France, which governs cycling. (3) •ecleration Franc,:aise des Societes d' Aviron, which governs rowing. (4) Federation Franc,:aise des Societes de Boxe, which governs boxing. linimum definition :- .. An amateur is one who ha never taken part in a race, competition, or meeting open to all comers, nor competed for a money prize, nor for gate money, nor with profos ·ioual:5, antl who has never been, at any time in his life, a paid teacher or demonstrator of physical exercises." Each federation has qualified the above minimum definition. Thu :- (1) The ..F. . . con iclers as money prizes cheques on tradesmen, orders for goods, travelling expenses, varying according to the performance of the com– petitor. easonable travelling and hotel expen es are permitted, but all su h allowances must be paid to competitors through the secretary of the ..F.S. . The selling of prizes or turning them in to money is al o forbidden. o athlete may allow hi name to be used for commercial adverti ·incr purposes. (2) The U.V.F. forbid amateurs to receive any wages or allowanc from an~' firm manufacturing bicycles or cycling accessories, allows travelling and hotel expen ·es to the maximum amount of 12.50 frs. a day, and allows also a firm to supply an amateur with a machine and acces ori s for the purpo e of any race. (3) The F.F..A. considers also as professionals-professional rowers, sailors, watermen, ferrymen, fi. hermen, boathouse attendants, boat-build rs, paid teachers of rowing ; in short, all persons deriving or having derived th ir means of exi tence from manual labour carried on regularly and continually around or upon boats. The F.F.S.A. allows payment of travelling and transport expenses to clubs, such payments to be based on the distance travell d, but never on the performance of the crew. (4) The F.'· .B. admits the possibility of an amateur boxer being a profes· sional in other branches of sport.
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