The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

START SLOUGH UxmuncE RursuP HARROW TIME TABLE, JULY 24, 1908. (APPROXI,\IATE.) WEMDLEY (L. & N. w. Rly.) HARLE DEN (Clock Tower) WoR 1wooD SCRUB. THE STADIUM at 2.30 p.m. " 2 ·47 " " 3.20 " " 3·5° " ' 4.10 " " 4.30 " ,, 4.45 ,, ,, 4.54 , ,, 5.5 " The Association acknowledged with many thanks the kindness of the following firms in providing motor cars for the accomrnodaLion of officials :-S. F. ~dge, Ltd. (Napier), The Car Supply o., Ltd. (A. J. Pinto Leete), The Wolseley o., Ltd. (E. H. Godbold), Mr. Erne t de Wilton, Mr. A. A. 1ansell, Panhard Co. Ltd. ( fr. Ducro. ), Mr. H. A. l\Iears, and Mr. P. W. B. Tippetts. The Association also acknowledged the yaluablc services ot the sur– veyors of the various counties, l>oroughs and parishes traversed, and to the Metropolitan, Windsor and Bucks Police Forces for their invaluable help in the arrang ments. THE FOLLOWING INSTR 'TION WERE ISSUED TO OMPETITOR. Last Train from Paddington for Competitors and Officials, 1.3 p.m. The Race will be under the laws of the A.A.A. The Association "ill arrange as far as possible for the conv nience of competitors m route, but accept no responsibility, and competitors must therefore arrange with their own attendants to look after their require– ments. Coslume.-Tbe following A.A.A. Rule will be stri..tly enforced :- " EYery competitor must wear complete clothing from the shoulder to the knees (i.e. jersey sleeved to the elbows and loose drawers with slips). Any competitor will be excluded from taking part in the race unless properly attired." Competitors are requested to keep to the left side of the road. Baggage.-Compctitors must have their clothes packed in one bag and dcliv red to Baggage Car not later than 2 p.m. Each bag will be numbered and a check given to attendant of ompetitor. The check must be given to Baggage Attendant when bag is wanted, and it will then be dropped at