The Fourth Olympiad London 1908 (extracts)

71 the next hotel where arrangements ha"e been made for dr ssing. A Special Car will follow to carry competitors who abandon the race. Dress– ing accomm'°dation has been arranged at Great Western Railway, Windsor Station, where the authorities have kindly JJlaced a11 the Waiting and Cloak }{ooms at our disposal. En route.-Competitors and Attendants will find accommodation at the following hotels for a wash, re. :- Iver Heath, "The Crooked Billet." Uxbridge, "Kings ..\rms Hotel.:' Ruislip, "The Poplar . ' ,, "The George Hotel.., Harrow, "Roxborough Hotel. ' "'udbury, "The 'wan." Refreshments en rout11.-The Oxo Company have been appointed fficial Caterers and will supply the following free of charge to Com– petitors :-Oxo Athletes' Flask, containing Oxo for immediate use. Oxo hot and cold ; Oxo and Soda, Rice Pudding, Raisins, Bananas, 'oda and Iilk. Stimulants will be available in case of collapse. Note.-Eau de Cologne and sponges can be had for use of competitor from the Oxo representatives who will be stationed at the following positions on the route, where they will erect and manage refreshment booths :- Ruislip, "The Poplars." Harrow, "Railway Bridge." 'udbury, "The Swan.' Harlesden, "Jubilee "'lock Tower.'' Dressing arrangements at the tadium in Room 28 for all ompetitors. E TRIE . r LYNCH, J. l\I. Australasia 2 AITKEN, W. V. 3 BLAKE, G. B. 4 BAKER, J. M, South Africa 5 MOLE, A. B ... 6 STEVE s, C. E. 7 VINCENT 8 HEFFERON, C. 9 CouLCUMBERDOS, G. Greece 10 COUTOULAKIS, •... I I IEMINEN 12 LIND, G. I 3 BRAAMS, W. T. 14 VOSBERGEN, A. C. H. 15 \VAKKER, W.W... 16 THEUNISSEN, W. F. 17 BUFF, G. J.M. 18 CELIS, F. Finland Russia Holland Belgium 19 DORANDO, P. 20 BLASI, u. 21 BLASI, u. 22 COCCA, A. ' z3 DURA DO, P. 24 FORSHAW, J. 25 HATCH, S . H. 26 HAYES, J. ]. 27 LEE, J. J. 28 LORZ, F. 29 ioRRISSEY, T. i'. 30 O'MARA, \V.. . 3 I RYAN, 1. J.. . 32 THIBEAU, A. 33 TEWANINA, L. 34 V ELTON, . R. 35 WooD, W... 36 MULLER, H. Italy . .. \. Germany